Friday, May 16, 2014

Making a Move

Perfectly Unperfect is Moving!!!

This post is going to be short and sweet, but it's very important!! As you can scroll through my archives, you can see that I've been posting blogs since October, and it has been a great experience starting out my blog here at blogspot, but as I gained more and more readers, and more and more confidence, I think it's time for a little upgrade! I'm moving and updating my blog to WordPress. I have found I enjoy reading blogs a lot more through WordPress. There is just a certain professionalism about them, and that's something I'm looking for. Despite some of my silly posts, I do take my blogging very seriously, and I want to expand and grow as a writer. 

I have a lot more time over the summer to do just that, and WordPress is the way for me to do it. I will be posting shorter posts, but more often. I'll bring in some new ideas, and I hope that you will leave me feedback. Again, thanks so much for sticking with me through my journey as a new blogger, and I hope you'll transition with me to bigger and better things!

OK, so moral of the story is, go read my new blog posts at ! The only "post" there currently is my about page, but go check that out, and follow my blog to get updates when new posts are up! 

Again, thanks so much for reading, and I look forward to sharing much more with you!

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn

P.S. : I'm slightly sentimental leaving blogspot because 1) I'm a girl, I get emotional for silly reasons and 2) I really have grown as a person through blogging on this site, so it's a little sad okkkkkkay. :( (Also I will leave this site up and running, so you can still access some of my older posts if you'd like)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Not Even a Blink

A Wrap on My Freshman Year of College

I DIDN'T EVEN BLINK. This past school year has hands down been the fastest year of my life. If every year of college is like this, I'm going to have a degree in no time! People alwayssssss said that college is the fastest four years of your life, but holy crap. They really weren't kidding. I didn't even realize how quickly it had all gone by until I finished my last final last Thursday. It hit me like a ton of bricks. My first year in college was... over. Just like that. Where did the time go? Did I get anything accomplished? Did anything change? Turns out A LOT changed in what felt like such a short amount of time. So much changed that I actually have difficulties remembering life before college. It's shocking really, but I'm so proud of the strides I made this year to become the person I am today. I've decided to compile a list of things I've learned since I started college just 9 months ago. Just finished your freshman year of college? I'm sure you can relate.

10 Things I've learned in my freshman year of college.

1. It's okay to eat by yourself.

2. There's never an inappropriate time for pizza. Or any food for that matter.

3. That being said, the freshman 15 is a real thing, so you've got to work off that pizza.

4. It's a lot harder to make friends, but the ones you do make, will be some of the best friends you've ever had.

5. Not everybody is Christian. (Clearly, I knew this beforehand, but I really felt its impact this year).

6. People are different. Like really really different.

7. Professors (the good ones anyways) really care about you and can be some of the best mentors and super influential if you allow them to be. 

8. Going away is really awesome, but you can still "be on your own" while living at home.

9. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is like high school. At all.

10. College is absolutely the best time to really discover yourself, and I plan on taking full advantage of that for the next three years. 

Overall, I've had an amazing year at NKU, and I'm really happy with my choice to go there despite some curve balls that were thrown my way. I've met so many awesome people, friends and professors, (and some professors who are now friends!) and I can't wait for the next three years in this phase of my life. There's nothing else quite like it. To incoming freshman (especially soon to be Norse), get ready for one of the best and most life-changing years of your life. You honestly have NO idea what you're in for, but I'm willing to bet, this time next year, you'll be saying some of the same exact stuff I'm saying right now. :)

Here's to the end of a great school year and the beginning of a great summer!

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn