Friday, November 22, 2013


If this doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will...

I recently came across an article on NBC News about America's longest-married couple. Their 81st wedding anniversary is coming up. EIGHTY FIRST ANNIVERSARY. Unfortunately, that's longer than most of us will live. However, John, 102, and his wife Ann, 98, have well surpassed the life expectancy for both men and women, and they have lived almost their entire lives together. So what's their story exactly? Ann was actually set to marry a much older man whom her father had chosen, but to her father's suprise, she took off with John, and they eloped. 81 years later, here they are, still unconditionally in love with one another. I'm crying it's too cute. It's amazing to think of everything this couple has witnessed and been through. In an interview with NBC, John said, "We have watched the world change together." In response to how they've managed to stay together so long? Listen up boys! He says, "The key is to always agree with your wife." Wow. That's the best relationship advice I've heard in a long time. I think the best part of this love story is that they both appear to have many years ahead of them.

Now tell me this isn't the cutest couple you've ever seen?!

Ugh. So precious right?? I swear, I don't care how in love I am with someone... 81 years is a LONG time. I really do wish them the best and many more anniversarys to come!

Be spontaneous.

I guess this ties in with the whole eloping ordeal between John and Ann: spontaneity. I swear the best things are the things that just happen out of the blue. No planning. Nothing. They just.... happen. This goes for almost anything. Be spontaneous with your friends. Be spontaneous with your relationships. Be spontaneous with yourself. Now, DON'T go crazy with it, but a little spontaneity never killed anybody. Some of my most memorable nights spent with friends came out of completely random ideas. Unfortunately, I feel the best time to be spontaneous is the summer because there is less responsibilties, less everything to worry about. BUT it's always good to sneak in a little bit during the holiday season. Call up a friend and get hot chocolate and drive around listening to Christmas music and looking at Christmas lights. Or don't. Just, be spontaneous.

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn

Friday, November 15, 2013

50 Shades of Red

Embracing Embarrassment

*Sigh* Let's face it: we all do embarrassing things on a daily basis, and if you're thinking to youself, 'Oh no I never do embarrassing things...', then I'm embarrassed for you because it's embarrassing that you can't admit that you do embarrassing things because we are all embarrassing human beings. Ugh. So embarrassing. I really tend to do embarrassing things on a daily basis solely because I'm slowly going deaf - those of you who know my mom obviously know this runs in the family. For example, last night at work a man came in and I asked how his day was going. He replied, "It's been alright, at least the weather got past 50." Now, for whatever reason my ears interpreted this along the lines of, "It's been alright, today I made it past 50." So, polietly I say, "Awh, happy birthday! Everyone's got to turn 50 sometime!" The man was so confused and he restated, "No, I'm happy the WEATHER got past 50 degrees." Yeah, safe to say my face turned 50 shades of red, but hey! I laughed it off and explained I'm clearly hard of hearing, and that I, too, was pleased with the slightly warmer weather. Ugh. After he left I was cursing at myself, praying that the man had been at least 50, so he wouldn't be offended at my assuming that he already was... Despite the extreme awkwardness however, I was able to shake it off and laugh it out. So that's a recent embarrassing tale. Now, for a flashback about one of my favorite embarrassing moments.

To this day, I simply can't help but laugh when telling this story to anyone, and it's been over five years since the incident. It was in the 6th grade (btw one of the lowpoints of Megan's life in which she was known as a "prep", ew - and I have no idea why I wrote that in third person but whatevs), and we were practicing our little dance routine for grandparent's day. We were dancing to the Monster Mash, and one of the teacher's signaled me to move over to the left a little bit. I apparently was having a dyslexic moment of some sort and moved to the right on accident only to find that I had reached the end of the stage and proceeded to face plant to the ground. I didn't actually hit my face (thank g, it was my money maker back then lol juss kitten), but I landed straight on my hip, and honestly, it really freaking hurt. Pretty sure everyone in the entire gym stopped what they were doing and just stared at me as I lay there wondering why the world hated me. Ok, no, it wasn't that dramatic, but being a pre-teen girl, it sure felt like it was. Three or four teachers came rushing over asking if I was okay, and I managed to get out a weak, "I'm fine," as I was attempting to hold back the tears. Here's one positive: they let me go to the nurse's office and lay down for a while and wait for my mom to bring me some Advil because back then it was like illegal for the nurses to give out any medications without a parent/guardian being present. I think that's annoying, and at least now you can get permission over the phone. That's beside the point. Point is: it was beyond embarrassing back then, but I think it's hilarious now which just goes to show that don't sweat the crazy things that happen because more than likely in a day, week, month, it will turn in to a great story to tell. I didn't think it was too funny until the black and blue bruise that was the size of a large melon finally faded away. Oh, 6th grade... LOL - that is all.

A Few Simple Things That I Absolutely LOVE

1. People who call you by name

Ok, this might sound weird, but I'm referring to two things here. 1. I love when a professor calls me by my name. It's refreshing to know that they know who I am and can put a face to a name, and that is so so important in college. In a class of over 100, if a professor knows your name, I consider that a huge accomplishment. It's not about being a "teacher's pet" in college. It's about making connections with potential mentors in your field of study who can seriously help you out along the way. So when a professor calls me by name, it may be simple, but I LOVE it. 2. I love when someone you don't even think knows you exist calls you by name. It's just like a slight reminder that people notice you even when you don't think they do. This can be good or bad I guess, but either way, I just really love it.

2. When my favorite song comes on the radio

I'm not just talking like the latest hit favorite song. I'm talking like the this was my favorite song 3 years ago. It's like I instantly feel so happy no matter what mood I'm in. Why? I have no idea, but it's something that I love, and it always makes my day a little bit better. What has been my most recent "OMG I used to love this song!!" moment? "Sugar, We're Going Down" by Fall Out Boy. (Insert emoji with the 2 hearts as eyes because it's like love at first sight - or sound rather). Whenever this awesome occurance happens, no matter where I'm at or who I'm with, the volume goes up and the lip synching begins.

Okay, that's all I have for this week, I know it wasn't much, but I wanted to get something out there before I get ready to travel this weekend to see my lovely best friend, Elizabeth! I want to hear about some of your embarrassing stories, so feel free to comment them below! Remeber, embrace embarrassing!

Stay Classy,
Megan LouAnn :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Follow Your Arrow

Make Lots of Noise, Kiss Lots of Boys

Some of you may or may not recognize this post's title as the title of Kacey Musgraves most recent hit, "Follow Your Arrow". I have lovedddd Kacey Musgraves ever since I heard her song "Merry Go 'Round". And okay in general, I just really love good country music, but Kacey brings her own style to her music. What I enjoy most about her songs is the words. As I was watching the CMA's (which were fabulous and Carrie Underwood is fabulous and Luke Bryan is fabulous ugh), I heard Kacey perform her song "Follow Your Arrow", and I immediately fell in love with the song solely due to the lyrics. SO. Go listen to her amazing song, but for the mean time, here are the lyrics:

If you save yourself for marriage
You're a bore
If you don't save yourself for marriage
You're a whore-able person
If you won't have a drink
Then you're a prude
But they'll call you a drunk
As soon as you down the first one

If you can't lose the weight
Then you're just fat
But if you lose too much
Then you're on crack
You're damned if you do
And you're damned if you don't
So you might as well just do
Whatever you want

Make lots of noise
Kiss lots of boys
Or kiss lots of girls
If that's something you're into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up a joint, or don't
Just follow your arrow
Wherever it points, yeah
Follow your arrow
Wherever it points

If you don't go to church
You'll go to hell
If you're the first one
On the front row
You're self-righteous
Son of a-
Can't win for losing
You'll just disappoint 'em
Just 'cause you can't beat 'em
Don't mean you should join 'em

So make lots of noise
Kiss lots of boys
Or kiss lots of girls
If that's something you're into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up a joint, or don't
Just follow your arrow
Wherever it points, yeah
Follow your arrow
Wherever it points

Say what you think
Love who you love
'Cause you just get
So many trips 'round the sun
Yeah, you only
Only live once

So make lots of noise
Kiss lots of boys
Or kiss lots of girls
If that's what you're into
When the straight and narrow
Gets a little too straight
Roll up a joint, I would
And follow your arrow
Wherever it points, yeah
Follow your arrow
Wherever it points

Okay, now tell me that isn't completely true of our society today?! Because it is. No matter what you do, someone isn't going to approve or like it. The BEST line is "you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't" because I honestly feel that's how our generation thinks. So what does Kacey say about all of this? DO WHAT YOU WANT WHO CARES YOU'RE NOT HERE FOR ANYONE BUT YOURSELF. And I couldn't agree more. Whenever I hear this song I find myself thinking, "PREACH." BY the way, I'm not like saying you should go out and get wasted and smoke a bunch of weed and have a bunch of sex. No. It's about doing what's BEST for you despite what anyone else tells you. You are the arrow: not your best friend, not your mom, not your boyfriend. YOU. Alright this is getting a little too preachy for me, but: go listen to Kacey's song and keep doing you girl (or boy - shout outs to all the boys reading?).

                                                                             ^ yay.

5 Really Important Things Every Highschooler Should Know

Why am I writing this list? I've been through four years of highschool, and I am approaching the end of my first semester of college, and I feel like there are quite a few things I wish I realized when I was still in highschool. So here's my own little rendition of what you high school readers should realize while you're still in high school!

1. High school is a love-hate relationship.

Okay high school is really crazy; it can go from like 0-60 in .2 seconds. I have never been on more of a "roller coaster" in my entire life. One day could be great - the next, one of the worst days ever. But it's all positive in the long run because it foreshadows pretty much the rest of your life. You're going to have good days, months, years, and you're going to have bad days, months, years. High school can help prepare you for these ups and downs, and usually in high school it's over minute things, so you can learn how to deal with them in a positive way to help you with the toughys later in life. No matter what, I promise you're going to really appreciate the good and bad times you have in high school because they make you who you are... leading into my next point:

2. High school is full of changes.

First of all, physically, you're probably going to change a lot from freshman year to senior year (thank goodness, I know). The funny thing is, you don't realize it until you're a senior, and you find yourself wondering when in the world it happened. But you'll be pretty stoked it did. Another change: your friends. If you have the exact same friends your freshman year as you do you senior year... you must have some pretty tight friends. Sometimes, you'll have a few that stick with you from day one, but it's rare. And even with those few really good friends, you're probably going to gain and lose others all the time. It happens. The important thing is finding those few that really are good friends. They'll be the ones there when no one else is no matter what you did. Cherish them! Because the likely hood that all of your best friends will go to the same college is like .0001% chance. Trust me, you'll miss seeing them every. single. day. even if they annoyed the crap out of you sometimes. Your true friends will always be there in college and beyond, but you won't get to spend the pointless, small memories with them like you did when you went to the same school.

3. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

What in the world does this mean? I'm mostly talking to the seniors regarding choosing a college. I could have easily made this mistake and I'm SO SO happy I didn't. Well, I partially made this mistake I guess. As I ventured out touring colleges, it was like one after the other until I went to U of L. I fell in love, and every other tour after that I simply didn't care. I knew where I wanted to go and the search was over. Thankfully, I have very bright parents who coninvced me I needed to apply to more than one place just in case. I ended up applying to U of L, UK, NKU, EKU, and Bellarmine. Of all the colleges, U of L gave me the worst scholarship. I was c.r.u.s.h.e.d. And for quite a while I just disregarded the thought of college all together. I had no idea what I wanted to do. Well, I knew that I WANTED to go to Louisville, but given the circumstances, I knew deep down it just wasn't the right choice for me. So what DID I do? I chose to attend NKU and live at home, and here's the best part: make money while doing it. I'm by no means saying money should completely influence your decison, but seriously it should be a pretty big factor when making your decision. People pay off loans even when their own kids are going to college - ew. Do not do that to yourself. However, you can make your own decision, BUT be sure to: apply to multiple colleges of different variety, so you keep your options open. People change their minds all the time, and you don't want to be SOL come May - scholarship accepting time!

4. Don't wish away your sport's seasons no matter how burnt out you are.

I think it's inevitable to get a little burnt out of whatever sport or extra curricular activity you're doing especially by your senior year of high school, but here's what you have to realize: you've put in countless hours of your time all for this one sport or activity, and for the majority of you, it's going to be the last time you REALLY play. Of course, there's always going to be leagues and other ways you can continue playing without comitting to college programs, but I can tell you first hand it's not the same. You'll never get that team back, you'll never get that student section cheering for you back, you only have RIGHT NOW. So, don't wish it away, make the most of it. You'll be glad you did.

5. Despite the last 4 points seeming as if high school is the best time of your life - it's not.

Don't get me wrong - high school was ONE of the best times of my life, but it is NOT the best. College really is such a great experience already, and for me, it's just begun. For once, you really feel like you are in complete control of your life, and as scary as that is, it's so so exciting. You start to feel yourself thinking as a grown up, making better decisions overall, and working in school for YOU, not for your college application. It's hard to understand until you're there, but going to school isn't such a struggle when you realize you're begining to build the true foundation of your career. Now, this doesn't mean learning in high school is pointless AT ALL. I'm going to college to become a high school Biology teacher, so clearly I place great value in secondary education. If you work hard in highschool, you'll develop a work ethic that you'll take with you through college and onwards. College won't be such a hard transition either. Also, it's a good idea to start thinking about what you like and don't like in high school as far as courses go because it will really help you in choosing the proper major. For example, if you absolutely hated anatomy, my guess is you shouldn't be a nursing major. And here's my favorite part of college: the pointless, petty high school drama, just - disappears. It's AMAZING. You'll encounter so many types of people you never have before, and somehow you'll have an understanding for each and every one of them - it. rocks.

Here's the point: don't wish your high school career away even if you think it's awful right now. You'll miss it, BUT college is a million times better, and it's really something to look forward to and work hard for.

Phew. That was a lot. But I hope you high schoolers take it to heart because when I was in your position, people told me similar things, but I didn't let it register. LET THIS REGISTER. You'll thank me later!

Finally, I know I say this a lot, but I love to hear that people are actually reading. SO, if you enjoy reading please let me know, either by commenting below, emailing me @, or by just telling me if you ever see me out and about (that is if you actually know who I am because according to my STATS I have readers all the way from Australia -eeeeeek shout out to the Aussie's reading! :)) I really appreciate even the littlest comments. (shoutout to E for giving my blog a shoutout about me giving her a shoutout - uh that's a mouthful) Until next time........

Stay Classy,
Megan LouAnn :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

I Want Crazy

The Great Suprise!

Okay! Finally, I get to tell you all about the wonderful suprise I have been talking about in my recent posts. For the record, I am awful at keeping suprises or secrets. Even if it's about the smallest things, and this suprise I am about to tell you about is no small matter! I was proud of myself for keeping it a secret since JUNE. YES JUNE. Alright, time for the actual suprise!  Back in June, one of my best friends Elizabeth texted Caitlyn, another friend of mine, and me that Hunter Hayes was coming to Louisville in October for a concert. We are huge HH fans, and it we thought it would be so much fun to visit Elizabeth at U of L on top of it! So we decided to get tickets. But not only did we get tickets for us, we bought each of our little sisters tickets as well. Our little youngsters are all sophomores at the same high school, and they are, of course, best friends as well! It was going to be our early Christmas presents to them. Okay, now here's the really fun part: we didn't tell them about the concert WHATSOEVER until about ten minutes TEN MINUTES before we walked in the theater. They just thought we were having a cute little sister-bonding weekend. So, when we told them: THEY FREAKED OUT. It was priceless. Literally it was one of the best moments in my entire life seeing my sister genuinely SO suprised and overwhelmed with emotion. My sister had the "screaming-OMG-NO WAY-SHUT UP" reaction. Cait's sister teared up - it was precious, and E's sister was in complete shock. Like not kidding, we had to tell her over and over again and physically put the ticket in her hand for her to understand... it was great. My mom was there to record the whole thing, so we will never ever forget that moment. It was truly amazing. Of course the girls were posting pictures all over social media because they were too excited, and let's just say, us older girls had losts of requests for adoption from our little sister's friends. I think we all deserve Sister of the Year awards...

Here's a picture of my sister and I soon after the suprise was revealed! I think she was pretty stoked....

And here's one of the gorgeous, super talented Hunter Hayes!

Beautiful isn't he?? He was SO good live. Like so good he sounded better than he does on his CD. THAT GOOD. Okay, I'll stop bragging about it, but all in all, it was such a wonderful weekend, and I couldn't have spent it with ANYONE better than my best friends and our mini-me's. However, might I point out that each of the little sisters are taller than their older sister! Nonsense, right?! Ugh... Oh well, tall, short, love them all :)


Okay, when I first started this blog, I told myself I was going to try my hardest to stay away from talking about boys, cause like ew?! BUT, I'm a girl, a lot of my readers are girls, and what do girls do A LOT? Talk about  boys. So.

Boy: wut.

That's the best definition I have for the opposite sex. That's about the only thing that comes to mind when defining such a strange species. (Ok they're the same species as us women, but no. They just... no) Here's the problem, although not necessarily a problem, that I am having with boys and relationships: I am perfectly, PERFECTLY happy single. Like this may be world shattering to some females out there, but I don't need a guy in my life to make me happy, and I enjoy the little awesome things about being single. For example, I can shave my legs when I want - yay! and I can pick up and drive to anywhere in KY to party with my friends without having any commitments to worry about back home. So really, this IS NOT a problem. At all. It just means that I'm not going to jump at every opportunity that comes my way. It means that the likely hood of me finding the right guy is much higher than it would be if I was "thirsty" if you will. Does being happy single mean I don't want a boyfriend? No. A boyfriend would be super awesome, but I don't NEED one whatsoever. Ya feel me? My mother tells me I'm being too picky, but I refute back by explaining that I'm not picky (okay maybe I'm a little picky), but I have a better idea of who I'm looking for, and I'm okay with the fact that I probably won't find him right away. Sigh. Independency, man. It's a struggle and a blessing all at the same time. SO that's all I have on boys for now. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only girl out there feeling this way, but then I'm reassured by some good friends of mine that I'm not alone on this. Us independent women need to calm ourselves, and realize we are in the best position possible to find that great guy. He's out there... and until you find him, just keep doing you.

I was on Pinterest and found this picture, and I feel like it really is a great set of rules to live by if you are a young, strong late teen, early twenty something female.

I think I'll end this post on that note. Again I want to say thank you to anyone who is reading! Feel free to post any comments below or e-mail me @ :) I love to hear what you think, and most of all I love to hear if people are simply reading!

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn :)