Friday, November 1, 2013

I Want Crazy

The Great Suprise!

Okay! Finally, I get to tell you all about the wonderful suprise I have been talking about in my recent posts. For the record, I am awful at keeping suprises or secrets. Even if it's about the smallest things, and this suprise I am about to tell you about is no small matter! I was proud of myself for keeping it a secret since JUNE. YES JUNE. Alright, time for the actual suprise!  Back in June, one of my best friends Elizabeth texted Caitlyn, another friend of mine, and me that Hunter Hayes was coming to Louisville in October for a concert. We are huge HH fans, and it we thought it would be so much fun to visit Elizabeth at U of L on top of it! So we decided to get tickets. But not only did we get tickets for us, we bought each of our little sisters tickets as well. Our little youngsters are all sophomores at the same high school, and they are, of course, best friends as well! It was going to be our early Christmas presents to them. Okay, now here's the really fun part: we didn't tell them about the concert WHATSOEVER until about ten minutes TEN MINUTES before we walked in the theater. They just thought we were having a cute little sister-bonding weekend. So, when we told them: THEY FREAKED OUT. It was priceless. Literally it was one of the best moments in my entire life seeing my sister genuinely SO suprised and overwhelmed with emotion. My sister had the "screaming-OMG-NO WAY-SHUT UP" reaction. Cait's sister teared up - it was precious, and E's sister was in complete shock. Like not kidding, we had to tell her over and over again and physically put the ticket in her hand for her to understand... it was great. My mom was there to record the whole thing, so we will never ever forget that moment. It was truly amazing. Of course the girls were posting pictures all over social media because they were too excited, and let's just say, us older girls had losts of requests for adoption from our little sister's friends. I think we all deserve Sister of the Year awards...

Here's a picture of my sister and I soon after the suprise was revealed! I think she was pretty stoked....

And here's one of the gorgeous, super talented Hunter Hayes!

Beautiful isn't he?? He was SO good live. Like so good he sounded better than he does on his CD. THAT GOOD. Okay, I'll stop bragging about it, but all in all, it was such a wonderful weekend, and I couldn't have spent it with ANYONE better than my best friends and our mini-me's. However, might I point out that each of the little sisters are taller than their older sister! Nonsense, right?! Ugh... Oh well, tall, short, love them all :)


Okay, when I first started this blog, I told myself I was going to try my hardest to stay away from talking about boys, cause like ew?! BUT, I'm a girl, a lot of my readers are girls, and what do girls do A LOT? Talk about  boys. So.

Boy: wut.

That's the best definition I have for the opposite sex. That's about the only thing that comes to mind when defining such a strange species. (Ok they're the same species as us women, but no. They just... no) Here's the problem, although not necessarily a problem, that I am having with boys and relationships: I am perfectly, PERFECTLY happy single. Like this may be world shattering to some females out there, but I don't need a guy in my life to make me happy, and I enjoy the little awesome things about being single. For example, I can shave my legs when I want - yay! and I can pick up and drive to anywhere in KY to party with my friends without having any commitments to worry about back home. So really, this IS NOT a problem. At all. It just means that I'm not going to jump at every opportunity that comes my way. It means that the likely hood of me finding the right guy is much higher than it would be if I was "thirsty" if you will. Does being happy single mean I don't want a boyfriend? No. A boyfriend would be super awesome, but I don't NEED one whatsoever. Ya feel me? My mother tells me I'm being too picky, but I refute back by explaining that I'm not picky (okay maybe I'm a little picky), but I have a better idea of who I'm looking for, and I'm okay with the fact that I probably won't find him right away. Sigh. Independency, man. It's a struggle and a blessing all at the same time. SO that's all I have on boys for now. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only girl out there feeling this way, but then I'm reassured by some good friends of mine that I'm not alone on this. Us independent women need to calm ourselves, and realize we are in the best position possible to find that great guy. He's out there... and until you find him, just keep doing you.

I was on Pinterest and found this picture, and I feel like it really is a great set of rules to live by if you are a young, strong late teen, early twenty something female.

I think I'll end this post on that note. Again I want to say thank you to anyone who is reading! Feel free to post any comments below or e-mail me @ :) I love to hear what you think, and most of all I love to hear if people are simply reading!

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn :)

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