Why my "Second" Job is my Favorite Job
I know in past posts I have talked about my job as a receptionist in a nursing home which I absolutely love, but nothing compares to my "second" job I have as a nanny of three, crazy, spontaneous little girls. The oldest girl is 5, middle is 3, and youngest is 1. Talk about a handful. I nanny these girls once a week for 4 hours, and let me tell you, most often it is the 4 most exhausting hours of the week, but I wouldn't change a thing. These girls make me appreciate life more and help me to look forward to my future. For those 4 hours, I get to see the world through the imaginative minds of toddlers, and trust me, it's a beautiful world. They never fail to melt my heart even through their outrageous meltdowns. The ups and downs is a true testimony to what life with kids is like. I'm learning so much from these girls, and it really does make me excited to raise kids of my own one day (way in the future of course ;)). Last week while I was watching the girls, the two oldest girls were bickering over something very trivial. The younger of the two made the oldest mad, but she didn't really know why. I brought her to the side and asked her to go give the oldest a big hug and kiss and say she was sorry, but I made sure she knew she didn't do anything wrong. She replied, "I don't like to give hugs, but I guess I'll do it!" Later that day, she gave me a HUGE hug! I immediately said, "Hey I thought you didn't like to give hugs!" and she replied, "But I love to give YOU hugs!" Heart. Melted. Literally. My heart melted. It made my whole week, and I can't help but smile each time I tell someone. Moral of the story: being a mom is going to be one of the most rewarding (but incredibly difficult) experiences, BUT I'm more than happy waiting for that time to come. For now, I'm good with my very part time job of four hours a week. I'll have plenty of time to tackle the full-time gig a little later in life.
"Mom, I have absolutely nothing in my life figured out, and I absolutely hate it."
"That's college."
Ok, so basically, I'm the world's most indecisive person. I hate making even the smallest decisions, and as soon as I make a decision, I almost always immediately regret it. It's a major problem, but hey - I'm working on it. Because of my chronic indecisiveness, I constantly feel like I don't have a plan. Because I can't settle on a plan. But according to my amazing mother, not having a plan is what college is all about. Like most things, she's right. If you have a plan going into college and graduate following that same plan, I applaud you. But that's most likely not going to happen. It's certainly not happening for me. I'm not just talking about picking a major/career choice. I'm talking about life in general (aren't I always?!) Some people have a plan to go into college and meet the love of their life. How am I doing on that plan? HA. End of story. Some people plan to go to college and get super involved and active in the campus life, but it's easier said than done. People "plan" for things to happen all the time, but I've come to accept that planning only leads to disappointments, and I'd be better off letting nature run its course because I'm confident that God will lead me where I need to be... eventually. He will lead me to the correct career path, friends, hubby, all of the above, but all of that takes time. So college is a journey all about taking that time, trying new things, and being absolutely lost 100% of the time. And it's pretty damn fun being lost if I do say so myself.
To end this post, I want to leave you with a picture of my super hott bff who probably understands me the most out of ANYone. We just... get each other. Love you Eeeeeee.
Stay classy loves,
Megan LouAnn :D (that's the face I'm making up there ^)