Thursday, January 30, 2014

Being Lost 100% of the Time and Why It Rocks

Why my "Second" Job is my Favorite Job

I know in past posts I have talked about my job as a receptionist in a nursing home which I absolutely love, but nothing compares to my "second" job I have as a nanny of three, crazy, spontaneous little girls.  The oldest girl is 5, middle is 3, and youngest is 1. Talk about a handful. I nanny these girls once a week for 4 hours, and let me tell you, most often it is the 4 most exhausting hours of the week, but  I wouldn't change a thing. These girls make me appreciate life more and help me to look forward to my future. For those 4 hours, I get to see the world through the imaginative minds of toddlers, and trust me, it's a beautiful world. They never fail to melt my heart even through their outrageous meltdowns. The ups and downs is a true testimony to what life with kids is like. I'm learning so much from these girls, and it really does make me excited to raise kids of my own one day (way in the future of course ;)). Last week while I was watching the girls, the two oldest girls were bickering over something very trivial. The younger of the two made the oldest mad, but she didn't really know why. I brought her to the side and asked her to go give the oldest a big hug and kiss and say she was sorry, but I made sure she knew she didn't do anything wrong. She replied, "I don't like to give hugs, but I guess I'll do it!" Later that day, she gave me a HUGE hug! I immediately said, "Hey I thought you didn't like to give hugs!" and she replied, "But I love to give YOU hugs!" Heart. Melted. Literally. My heart melted. It made my whole week, and I can't help but smile each time I tell someone. Moral of the story: being a mom is going to be one of the most rewarding (but incredibly difficult) experiences, BUT I'm more than happy waiting for that time to come. For now, I'm good with my very part time job of four hours a week. I'll have plenty of time to tackle the full-time gig a little later in life. 

"Mom, I have absolutely nothing in my life figured out, and I absolutely hate it." 

"That's college."

Ok, so basically, I'm the world's most indecisive person. I hate making even the smallest decisions, and as soon as I make a decision, I almost always immediately regret it. It's a major problem, but hey - I'm working on it. Because of my chronic indecisiveness, I constantly feel like I don't have a plan. Because I can't settle on a plan. But according to my amazing mother, not having a plan is what college is all about. Like most things, she's right. If you have a plan going into college and graduate following that same plan, I applaud you. But that's most likely not going to happen. It's certainly not happening for me. I'm not just talking about picking a major/career choice. I'm talking about life in general (aren't I always?!) Some people have a plan to go into college and meet the love of their life. How am I doing on that plan? HA. End of story. Some people plan to go to college and get super involved and active in the campus life, but it's easier said than done. People "plan" for things to happen all the time, but I've come to accept that planning only leads to disappointments, and I'd be better off letting nature run its course because I'm confident that God will lead me where I need to be... eventually. He will lead me to the correct career path, friends, hubby, all of the above, but all of that takes time. So college is a journey all about taking that time, trying new things, and being absolutely lost 100% of the time. And it's pretty damn fun being lost if I do say so myself.

To end this post, I want to leave you with a picture of my super hott bff who probably understands me the most out of ANYone. We just... get each other. Love you Eeeeeee.

Stay classy loves,
Megan LouAnn :D (that's the face I'm making up there ^)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Beds, B*tches, and Bearcats

The Sad Moment When...

I'm starting to get too old for sleepovers. Not for the concept of them, but for the actual sleeping over part. I will gladly hang out, watch a bunch of movies, eat a bunch of food, and share a bunch of secrets any night of the week, BUT I want to sleep in my own bed SO bad these days. I will leave at 3am right when I'm falling asleep at someone's house just to drive home and sleep in my comfy bed. I never used to be like this, and I don't know if it's because I'm growing up or because I've never really had the opportunity to do that sort of thing until recently. I think it's because I have a bond with my bed that just can't be broken. Or because I really am getting too old. Ughhh.

I'm Not a Chinese B*tch

Well week one of my second semester of freshman year is checked off the list. And if the rest of the semester will follow the same patterns of this week, then I'd say I'm in for a treat. Day one: wake up nice and early to look somewhat less like a troll (as that is my normal appearance at 9AM), and I arrive to my Spanish class with a solid 10 minutes to spare. I double checked the room number because no one was in there yet, but I had the right room, and I wasn't too apprehensive as there was supposed to be only 7 students in the class, and I was a little early. However, as time passed on, I was starting to have my doubts. 5 minutes until class was supposed to start and not a soul in sight. I checked the NKU app on my phone, Blackboard, and the hard copy of my syllabus I had and they all said 403. I was sitting in 403. Then I started to think maybe I was in the wrong building because that's something I would do, but no, I was definitely in the right building, Landrum. As I almost got up to start wandering around aimlessly, a girl rushed in the room and sat down. It was 8:59 and there were 2 of us. We sat their for a minute or 2 until I finally said, "Do you think she switched rooms?" We both checked our e-mails, but saw nothing. We sat there until 9:10, then I sent my professor an e-mail asking if we were in the wrong room. I gathered my things because there was no point in sitting in an empty room. As I walked out the door, I noticed a hot-pink piece of paper right outside saying in big bold black letters "PROFESSOR ENCARNACION'S SPANISH 102 CLASS IS CANCELED FOR MONDAY, JANUARY 13TH." Great. Now my Spanish professor is going to think I'm an idiot. Thankfully I had loads of extra time to find my next class because I seriously couldn't find it. As I walked into Griffin Hall all the classrooms were in the 200s symbolizing I was on the 2nd floor. I was highly confused because I didn't walk up any stairs. How did I get to the 2nd floor? Turns out the first floor is the "basement" level. Wow. My brain was not prepared for my first day back. Orrrrrrrr my second. First class on Tuesday is Sociology, so I find myself back in Landrum. I find my room and rejoice because there are tons of students. I sit down and take out my books, but as I look around, all the other students' books look different. I look up at the board and see Anthropology 301. Awesome. Time for the walk of shame. I pack up my things and sheepishly exit the room as fast as possible. I was in room 201 when I needed 205. Clearly, Landrum is not my forte. I sit down in my actual sociology course with a minute to spare. Good thing I wasn't late because holy crap, my professor is a tiny little Chinese woman, but she is the biggest firecracker ever, and called out quite a few students for being even a minute late. She told us a story about how a student called her a Chinese bitch, and I'm sorry but old Chinese women should not say the word bitch. It just doesn't match. But she had the whole class laughing the entire time. I'm really looking forward to her class. Good thing I actually found it. As for the rest of the week, my brain started to function at basic levels again, and I was able to find the rest of my classes with ease. Either way, I know it's going to be an interesting semester, and I look forward to making many many more stupid mistakes.

Ew that was long, sorry.

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

Mother-daughter bonding. Because only cool people party with their momma-bears.

  Jumanji...... nuff said. Oh hey Caitlyn.

Because I felt like becoming a Bearcat for a night... It's going down I'm yelling Timber.

I was supposed to be teaching her Chemistry so naturally we take selfies. Ugly, ugly selfies.

ADIOS! (2 classes of Spanish, and I'm already confused on my first language ;))

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn

Friday, January 10, 2014

Keeping Your Chin Held High and Your Standards Higher

This week's blog post is going to be a little different. Instead of having 3-4 separate sections, I'm focusing on just one topic. Why? One reason is because I had a later post last week, and therefore, I haven't formulated enough ideas yet. And because I think this post is pretty important, at least to me. So... here it goes.

Keeping Your Chin Held High and Your Standards Higher

Alright, so what am I talking about? I'm talking about self-worth and relationships. I think both are correlated with each other because your self-worth can either make or break your relationships. Friendships, romantic relationships, relationships with your parents, ALL OF ZEEEE RELATIONSHIPS. Any healthy relationship comes from two people who are first happy with themselves, and then happy with each other. If one person is unhappy with themselves, the whole thing is thrown off balance. If you want good relationships with people, you've got to have a fantastic relationship with yourself. That sounds weird, but how do you know you're in good standings with yourself? You can look yourself in the mirror and honestly, confidently say, "I am proud of who I am." Sure, you'll have flaws, probably a lot of flaws, but it's taking that extra step, and looking past the flaws. Being proud that you have flaws because they're YOUR flaws. Unfortunately, there are way too many people out there who can't confidently say they're proud of themselves. It's not easy, and it might take some practice, but everyone has the capability of being proud of themselves. It's one thing you can control. You can't control if your coach, teacher, parent, or friend is proud of you, but you can control your own self worth. Once you are proud of you, others will be too. You'll be more confident, and therefore, you'll have better relationships. So now you've got your head held nice and high... are you still ready to have good relationships? Maybe... but also maybe not.

Just because you are self confident, doesn't mean you can jump right into a relationship and everything will be okay. Soooo now what am I talking about? Standards. Face it, there really are a lot of pains in the ass out there: male and female. And while at first, you might be elated with this person, you might not be considering what you really deserve. Sometimes, no matter how bad you want them to be, people aren't meant to be in your life. Know and trust yourself well enough to be able to make good judgments on who you do and do not need. This goes for boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends in general. You can love yourself and still end up loving someone who doesn't love you. So keep your standards high because you don't want to settle for ANYTHING less than amazing. 

Gosh this is so preachy, but it's something I see people messing up every single day. And it's important I remind myself to keep my own chin up and my own standards nice and high. Because both have been down before, and it's not pretty. Relationships are going to come and go, so being happy with yourself is the most important thing you can work on. Everything else will fall into place. Sigh, I'm done preaching for today. Here's a song by Christina Perri called Human. I love it, and it's a pretty good theme song for this post. Remember we are all human, have flaws, but we deserve to be HAPPY :)

Stay Classy,
Megan LouAnn

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Insert Clever Title Because I'm Too Tired to Think

To Old Memories and New Beginnings

I'm going to keep this section brief because I feel like people get sick of hearing about "New Year" stuff by about January 2nd. At least I do. That being said, I realize it is January 5th, but I can't ignore the absolutely amazing year that just passed. 2013 was hands down the best year of my life with so many new adventures, beginnings, and friends. It was the second half of my senior year in high school (including graduation of course) and the start of my first semester of college. These two huge events combined into one year automatically make it a great one, however, it's only a small part of what made this year so memorable. I shared countless memories with friends that I will never ever forget. I made new friendships that I can't wait to develop even further. And finally, I really strengthened my faith in 2013. Was 2013 a "perfect" year? No way, far from it. There were heartbreaks, failures, distanced friendships, and other low points, but all the positive memories completely outshine the bad, and I know I will always hold the year 2013 in a special place in my heart. As for 2014, I have my hopes set just as high for another great year. It's a year to build upon new friendships, reunite with old friends, and keep trucking along on this crazy journey I like to call college!


Alright, so this might be weird, but I have an obsession with watching makeup tutorials on YouTube. Not because I necessarily use them, but I find it incredibly fascinating to see how different girls can make themselves look. Yes, I wear makeup, quite often too, but at least I'm recognizable without it. Some of these Youtubers can practically disguise themselves. They're THAT good. But while watching quite a few of these little tutorials, I was struck by something that kind of just bewilders me. All of these makeup gurus (and honestly some everyday girls in general) are obsessed with like "doing their eyebrows". It's just weird to me to put make up on your eyebrows. I understand getting them waxed and what not, but coloring them in and using "eyebrow gel" just seems odd to me. This is a fairly recent trend, and I know it's legit because I've seen the eyebrow kits in Ulta, but I just find it a little weird. They're just eyebrows. Maybe I find it so weird since my eyebrows are already pretty dark in general, I don't know. It's just weird. End rant.

Tampa Bayyyyay

Woo! Over the Christmas holiday my family took a week long vacation to Tampa, FL. After waiting in the Cincy airport for about 6 1/2 hours longer than intended, we were finally on our way. I'll tell you what, laying out by the pool is really not my favorite past time, but soaking up the sun in the end of December was seriously my own little slice of heaven. I just wanted to bottle up the sun and the heat and take it with me back to KY. We were blessed with beautiful weather pretty much for our entire trip. We spent Christmas Day at Busch Gardens, and we got to watch gorillas open up their Christmas presents - yeah, it was pretty freaking awesome. Vacations for my family always seem to go wrong, but this one was one for the books. It was so enjoyable, and I'd give anything to go back for another week. (Although okay honestly I was sick of constantly being with my family after about day 5, but I'd do it again in a heart beat) All in all, it was one of my favorite Christmas presents I had ever received, and I hope to do a vacation similar to it again soon!

Here's a picture of my momma and I on Clearwater Beach which was GORGEOUS.

And here's one of Mady and I on Christmas Eve!

Just a Few Tid Bits

1. I realized that I rarely speak unless spoken to. Unless you're one of my best friends then I probably won't shut up. But, if I'm simply like a crowd or with people I don't know very well, I certainly won't be the one to start the conversation. Once someone talks to me, then I'm friendly and talkative(ish), but if they don't talk to me, I won't talk to them. Like ever.
2. The season premier of The Bachelor starts tonight, and holy heck I can't contain my excitement fdsnfjakslf. fdsjafhsd. HFJSFUEFD. 
3. Netflix is quite possibly the best and worst thing I have purchased.
4. Now I'm literally obsessed with New Girl. Obsessed. 
5. I'm a complete nerd, and I'm actually looking forward to this semester to start. (Nerd alerttttt)
6. Now I want to watch Pitch Perfect - classic.
7. Wow these tid bits are just a random baby vomit of my thoughts swirling around in my awesome brain. So sorry. 
8. I still get on Facebook sometimes... and read a lot of drama from ratchet people that have somehow appeared on my friends list. Eeeek, I've got to clear that thing out.
9. I really do want to say thank you to whoever enjoys reading my posts. Sorry this one was kind of lameeee, at least I feel it was. But one of the main reasons I have a blog is to document my life for myself, so I can look back 5 years from now and remember what in the heck was going through my head as my silly 18 year old self. But I also want to share it with you all as well, so bleh. Thanks, dudes. 
10. I can't think of anything else currently, but I had to make a 10th tid bit, or else it would really bother me. 

Stay Classy,
Megan LouAnn