Keeping Your Chin Held High and Your Standards Higher
Alright, so what am I talking about? I'm talking about self-worth and relationships. I think both are correlated with each other because your self-worth can either make or break your relationships. Friendships, romantic relationships, relationships with your parents, ALL OF ZEEEE RELATIONSHIPS. Any healthy relationship comes from two people who are first happy with themselves, and then happy with each other. If one person is unhappy with themselves, the whole thing is thrown off balance. If you want good relationships with people, you've got to have a fantastic relationship with yourself. That sounds weird, but how do you know you're in good standings with yourself? You can look yourself in the mirror and honestly, confidently say, "I am proud of who I am." Sure, you'll have flaws, probably a lot of flaws, but it's taking that extra step, and looking past the flaws. Being proud that you have flaws because they're YOUR flaws. Unfortunately, there are way too many people out there who can't confidently say they're proud of themselves. It's not easy, and it might take some practice, but everyone has the capability of being proud of themselves. It's one thing you can control. You can't control if your coach, teacher, parent, or friend is proud of you, but you can control your own self worth. Once you are proud of you, others will be too. You'll be more confident, and therefore, you'll have better relationships. So now you've got your head held nice and high... are you still ready to have good relationships? Maybe... but also maybe not.
Just because you are self confident, doesn't mean you can jump right into a relationship and everything will be okay. Soooo now what am I talking about? Standards. Face it, there really are a lot of pains in the ass out there: male and female. And while at first, you might be elated with this person, you might not be considering what you really deserve. Sometimes, no matter how bad you want them to be, people aren't meant to be in your life. Know and trust yourself well enough to be able to make good judgments on who you do and do not need. This goes for boyfriends, girlfriends, and friends in general. You can love yourself and still end up loving someone who doesn't love you. So keep your standards high because you don't want to settle for ANYTHING less than amazing.
Gosh this is so preachy, but it's something I see people messing up every single day. And it's important I remind myself to keep my own chin up and my own standards nice and high. Because both have been down before, and it's not pretty. Relationships are going to come and go, so being happy with yourself is the most important thing you can work on. Everything else will fall into place. Sigh, I'm done preaching for today. Here's a song by Christina Perri called Human. I love it, and it's a pretty good theme song for this post. Remember we are all human, have flaws, but we deserve to be HAPPY :)
Stay Classy,
Megan LouAnn
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