Friday, April 18, 2014

Actions Speak Louder than Words

Consider this statement: actions speak louder than words. I'm sure it's one you've heard many times in the past, and we can all understand its basic meaning - what you do is more important than what you say. However, words are noticed way more than actions. When someone blatantly tells us something, we have a better chance of remembering it than if they did something that could potentially convey the same meaning. We are able to make connections with words and give ourselves explanations based on those words, but often times, we aren't even considering actions. Why does this matter? Ask yourself how many times you've pushed someone away, be it a friend, significant other, family member, whoever, because you felt like they didn't care as much as you did. Maybe they rarely spoke about how much you meant to them, how much they cared, or how much they valued you. This made you question if any of the relationship was real in the first place and then there you were, pushing yourself away. However, later, you found yourself thinking: 'Crap. They really did care. They did so much for me. They treated me with nothing but kindness. How could I not see that?' Here's how: you were too focused on the words they said or didn't say and less focused on the actions they took. It's toxic. It is the source of the saying: "You don't know what you've got until it's gone".  It's human nature to want to hear what other people are thinking. It's easier for our brains to process because hello - it's straight forward, right there, in plain English. But as easy as it might be for someone to tell you how much they care, it is just as easy for them to tell you lies. Almost always, the truth lies behind the action. It's clear as day how someone feels about you if you pay attention to how they truly treat you, but that's just it - you have to consciously be aware of what they're doing. I'm not saying you should completely disregard what people tell you, but couple it with how they treat you, and I promise, you'll have a clearer idea of what you mean to them. Don't let those countless acts of kindness go unnoticed, no matter how small, and remember that for you to fully show someone you care about them, take action. It's that simple.

That's all I have for this week. Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave a comment below. I appreciate all feedback. :)

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn

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