Friday, April 4, 2014



OK I'm going to attempt to keep this post short and sweet this week, but you know how that always turns out... Anyways. Time. Weird concept if you think about it too much, but it might be one of if not the most important things we have while here on earth. It's been a long TIME since I've made a blog post, but that's just it. I've lost track of my time because I've been so busy and preoccupied with a billion other things. I forgot to just take a little extra TIME out of my day to sit down, and put some thought into words. But here I am world. Also speaking of time. It flies. Duh. But I mean it reallllllllly flies. I only have four weeks of school left, finals, and then my freshman year of college is complete. 

I mean seriously, what the heck. I don't even think I've blinked yet, and it's almost over. But looking back on it, so much has happened. I've changed a great deal and learned so many valuable lessons both in and outside of the classroom. But that shall be saved for another post possibly four or five weeks from now hint hint. That aside, the sad thing about time is that we often wish it away. Sure, maybe it's a part of human nature, but why do we do it. How many times do you find yourself thinking, "I wish we could just fast forward through this class." or "I wish we could just fast forward to next weekend." or sometimes even "I wish we could just fast forward to college." No, it's not a bad thing to look forward to something. That's great, but we shouldn't just piss away the time we have before that. Every second is precious no matter how bored or annoyed or stressed we are. It's all about "living in the present" per say. It's SO difficult, but it the best state of mind to be in. Reminiscing can be great too, but stay grounded and enjoy where you're at because that's all you really have.  

To further implement the beauty of time...

Same car. Same people.

That's all I have for this week's post! Thank you for reading and as always....

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn

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