Friday, February 21, 2014

Being in Love and Being Lazy

Okay so I obviously wrote the following portion of this post a week ago on Valentine's Day, and I believe I passed out right after, soooooo one week later, here I am finishing this post! I've been busy!

Love is in the air…

Alright, let's get the obvious over with. It's Valentines's Day, and I bet some of you are expecting me to complain and whine about it because - hello I'm like super single. But no, I actually enjoy Valentine's Day. Sure, I'll make jokes, but honestly, it's a great day. It's not just couples being all mushy gushy bleh, bleh, bleh. It's really just about love. It doesn't matter if a little 8 yr old gave me a Valentine, it still brightened my day. My sisters (yes, I have two, Madison, and then Justine, a newly adopted sibling of mine) and I went to Build-a-Bear and made each other bears, and it was a ton of fun. My mom had Gigi's cupcakes delivered to our front door by the Florence Freedom mascot, and it was the sweetest thing in the world. I had a fabulous Valentine's Day. So for all of you out there who moped your way through today, stop making yourself miserable, and open up your eyes to the other forms of love all around you! Love isn't just from relationships, but from friends and family too!

This about sums up my Valentine's Day, luvvvvvvvvvvved it. 

My Vow to Stop Being So Lazy

We live in a generation very, VERY different from our parents', and it's fairly obvious most of the significant changes come from rapid technological advances. Yes, this has benefited society in countless ways, from new medical treatments to easier communication across the board, but with all of the technological advances comes a lot of laziness. It starts small. Instead of walking up to the front door and ringing the door bell to pick someone up, we sit in our cars and send a simple "Here" text message. Some of us can start our cars from the warm indoors on a cold winter morning by the press of a button (I for one, definitely do not have this luxury). But all these little things add up to a lot of laziness, and then we become comfortable being lazy. SO many teenagers can sit down in front of the TV or computer screen and literally watch 10 hours of Netflix. I'm guilty. You're probably guilty. And a lazy day like this is okay every ONCE in a while, but honestly, being this lazy scares the poop out of me. When you put this life into perspective, there are so many things to try, do, see, and learn, and we will never have enough time. But we do have some time here on Earth, so why are we not doing everything we can to make the most out of it? I don't want to waste 10 hours in front of a projected image. I want to spend 10 hours doing something I have never done before. I want to stop being so lazy, and actually get out and see what else the world has to offer other than 6 seasons, 120 hours, 5 days of Gossip Girl. So here is my vow to STOP being so lazy, and START exploring much much more. It's easier said than done, but I'm ready. You should be too.

Randomness because that's what I do

1. I have been wanting to get a tattoo for a while now, and I think I'm finally going to get it in the near future! Yay! Also, I can't stand when people say "That tattoo has no meaning" or "He/she only got that tattoo because it's 'hipster'" Like no. If someone is getting a tattoo (aka placing something on themselves for the rest of their life) it has meaning. They might not give you a reason, but to them, there's a reason. So stop being a little poo head, and let them be.

2. I've been asked a lot lately why I write a blog, so I figured I'd remind my readers and myself of the answer. I write a blog for a few main reasons.

  1. I really enjoy writing. Always have, always will. I've just gone from writing about cute little stories I made up when I was about 12 years old to writing about real things I see happening around me, and hopefully one day I'll be published for something whatever it may be - book, article, I don't care. 
  2. I think blogging is a great way for me to connect with those who I don't get to see very often, and let them know of some things going on in my life. I've been told a few times by people that I don't see much that they really like reading my blog because they feel it helps keep us close even if we're not together nearly as much as in the past. (Shout out to my girl McKenzie)
  3. Finally, I blog to keep a record of some of the most unique years of my life - college. I love to look back on memories, especially through pictures, but I also think this blog is a great way to do just that.
Okay now that I've sufficiently expressed my love for blogging, I'm out! It's been real, see you lovely readers next week! Maybe! You never know with me. 

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn :)

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