Friday, March 7, 2014


Staycation time!

Blehhfjdsakjfewia. That's a little insight into my wonderful mind these past 2 weeks. I really think this week was just as time consuming and annoying as finals week was before Christmas Break. It was the week before the midterm and spring break, and my goodness, I promise you E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. was due all at once. More than one exam or midterm a day, everyday. And now that it's all over, I still have the lingering feeling that I should be doing something productive because something will be due soon! However, luckily, that's not that case, and I get to relax for 9 days. NINE DAYS. That is amazing. Although vacation plans didn't work out, I think it's almost for the best. I really need time to just breathe and give my mind a break. Not that I couldn't do that on a beach somewhere.... sighhhh. But this way, I'm not worrying about all the traveling and planning and what not. Not to mention I'm saving some extra mula which I have recently realized is kind of super important. Allow me to explain. 

Yet another realization that I'm growing up!

Boo. Although growing up is really exciting, it comes with so many new responsibilities, and as much as I want to just gather all my things and move out, it's not that easy. First of all, I've recently gotten a new car - bye bye Neon. Yay! Right? Well, yes, I loveeeee my new Ford Focus whom I designated as Fabio. Cute, huh? However, those car payments are a tough pill to swallow. I can't just go out and splurge on gifts for myself like I used to (a little more often than I'd like to admit). I have to SAVE my money now. Woh.... save money? What's up with that?! But if I ever want to be able to afford to really get out there on my own, that's exactly what I need to do.  It's all new to me, but it's nice knowing that I'm working toward a goal that is helping me to become a mature adult. I love my family, don't get me wrong, but I think I'm ready to take a few steps away, and paying for something like a CAR all on my own is a great feeling. It seems like just yesterday I was driving my little Barbie jeep around the neighborhood! :)

Snap snap

So in some of my earlier posts, I talked about my passion for photography. It's hands down one of my favorite art forms, and recently, I was able to attend a photography exhibit at school, and I LOVED it. The theme for all of the photographers' displays was "people" which happens to be my favorite kind of photography - portraits. It was really awesome to see different ideas the photographers came up with, and it pushed me to get back behind the lens of my very standard camera and take a few shots of my very beautiful sister, Madison. I'm hoping to get a newer and better camera for my birthday, and over the summer, I want to look into taking some photography classes. Here are a few of my favorite shots of Mady. I also did her hair and makeup for this shoot, and I think it's a fabulous look on her.  

Quaint little smile.

I think I told her to think of someone she dislikes. Oops. Death glare for sure. But a gorgeous one!


Stunning. That's pretty much all else I have to say on that one. I really need to invest in a better camera and venture away from just shooting Madison, but as stated in above section, I'm saving money, so it will just have to wait for now!

Until next time...

Stay classy,
Megan LouAnn :)

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